Benjamin Franklin

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The 5 Virtues of the Transformational Leader

Resumen del Libro

Libro The 5 Virtues of the Transformational Leader

Do you want to start an organizational transformation but don't know how? Do you want to renew your leadership skills for the current challenges in the region? Do you feel called to lead to leave the world a little better than you found it? In The 5 Virtues of the Transformational Leader, David Lamka invites you to embark on a significant journey of transformation. It is time to recognize that what generated success in the past no longer works. The current reality is placing new demands on you, new challenges that demand radical changes in your leadership, your company, your methods and what you contribution to the global community. In this book you will discover the 5 virtues that you and your team of leaders can develop to initiate an organizational transformation and turn it into a triple impact company, like BCorp, where success is newly measured not only in economic, but also social and environmental impact. In each chapter you will find: · The mistakes that bosses usually make. · The virtue to achieve success with higher purpose and triple impact. · Interviews and videos of inspiring business leaders from Latin America. · A virtual self-diagnosis and tools to become a true transformational leader. You will discover the 5 virtues: 1. Your enthusiastic leadership to break old paradigms that do not work and create new ones more appropriate to the VICA era of transformation, connected to your life purpose and legacy. 2. Your empowering leadership so that collaborators feel confidence, commitment, passion at work and feel called to develop their own extraordinary leadership. 3. Your triple impact leadership so that millennials, consumers and collaborators vibrate with the purpose of your company, generating sustainability for society and, at the same time, being economically successful. 4. Your global vision leadership to consciously see that in order to achieve economic results in the short and long term you need to develop the organizational culture, attitudes and customs that will sustain it over time. 5. Your integral leadership recognizing that to be coherent you need to develop a deep self-knowledge of the conscious and the unconscious, having presence and flexibility to act from different polarities. Does what you read resonate with you, motivate or inspire you? Do you feel any emotion in the face of this call? So, welcome!

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Total de páginas 249


  • David Lamka


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