Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Temas selectos de inglés 1

Resumen del Libro

Libro Temas selectos de inglés 1

In 2018, the High School Program (Educación Media Superior) was updated to comply with its essential purpose: to generate in the students the development of a first personal and social synthesis prior to their access to higher education, as well as providing an understanding of their society, preparing them for a possible job. The inclusion of two six-credit additional courses in the last year is part of this update that belongs to the Communication disciplinary area, as Preparation Components. The expectations of Selected Topics in English 2 in sixth semester are oriented towards potentializing the A2 Level in order to reach the threshold of B1 Level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). BLOCK 1: Signs, notices and advertisements. Lesson 1: Signs. Evaluation for Lesson 1, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 1 for Block 1. Lesson 2: Notices. Evaluation for Lesson 2, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 2 for Block 1. Lesson 3: Advertisements. Evaluation for Lesson 3, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 3 for Block 1. BLOCK 2: Factual texts on trending topics for teens. Lesson 1: Factual texts and Reading strategies. Lesson 2: Websites and Blogs. Evaluation for Lessons 1 and 2. Block 2, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 1 for Block 2. Lesson 3: News reports. Evaluation for Lesson 3, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 2 for Block 2. Lesson 4: Magazine articles. Lesson 5: Factual texts in Science Magazines. Lesson 6: Factual texts in Business Magazines. Evaluation for Lessons 4, 5 and 6. Block 2, Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 1 for Block 2. BLOCK 3: Short stories for teenagers. Lesson 1: Elements of a short story. Lesson 2: Short story ¿ Fictional. Lesson 2: Short stories ¿ Fairy Tales. Lesson 4: Mood and Tone. Evaluation for Lessons 2, 3 and 4. Block 3. Evidence of Learning. Summative Evaluation 2 for Block 3. Websites. Learning Management System (SALI 2.0).

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  • Flores Kastanis, Paula


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