Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Construcciones Patentes

Resumen del Libro

Libro Construcciones Patentes

A Compilation of 30 Innovative Architectonic Inventions in Catalonia. The architecture produced in Catalonia has often been in the vanguard of Europe, especially since Barcelona hosted the 1992 Olympics. This book is an exciting overview of innovative spaces and techniques made in Catalonia, presenting a cross section of 'products' as well as the buildings and environments for which they were conceived. The products solve specific program requirements, new social demands, environmental needs, budget limitations and design aspirations to improve on the status quo. They are proving grounds of architectural innovation.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Nueva arquitectura hecha en Cataluña

Total de páginas 240


  • Albert Ferré
  • Ricardo Devesa
  • Jaime Salazar


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40 Valoraciones Totales

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