Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Be Bold Be Brilliant Be You: Lessons from the C-Suite to Accelerate Your Career

Resumen del Libro

Libro Be Bold Be Brilliant Be You: Lessons from the C-Suite to Accelerate Your Career

Are you tired or frustrated at work? Does your life feel out of control? Not sure you are in the right role, or you are bored?Would it surprise you to know that the majority of people are unsatisfied with their work experiences?Having traveled the beautiful, nerve-wracking journey from individual contributor to chief marketing officer, I am intimately familiar with their angst. I know what it feels like to be overlooked, ignored, and discontent. I also have experienced the joy of growing past stalled and experiencing unimaginable success. I believe you can also.In the book you will learn the secret to...- Finding work/life balance- Getting noticed and promoted- Securing a mentor or sponsor- Being true to yourself and still fitting in at the officeMany of us were just like you when we started out - hungry for success, happiness, and significance, but not sure how to achieve it. Through experience and insight gained from those a little further along the path, we found our way. We discovered the very best in ourselves and found joy in sharing it with the world. It's why I'm so passionate about taking this journey with you. When you understand who you are, what you want, and what you can uniquely contribute, success is your destiny.This book is here to help women reach that success goal at work that they started off with, but don't know now how to get to. The book is designed as an exploratory journey. It's a quick read, but I challenge you not to rush to the end. Moments of reflection are when we often receive the most powerful revelation.Think of me as your navigator for the journey. I'll point you in the right direction and cheer you on, as you get behind the wheel and accelerate your career. I'm writing this book from the heart because I believe in you. Your hopes and dreams of a life you love are within reach. You have so much more power than you've imagined, and together we're going to get you ready to share your brilliance with the world.

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Total de páginas 160


  • Katrina Mcghee


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