Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica


Resumen del Libro


Translated by MARIO LICON CABRERA. Introduction by GUSTAVO OSORIO In this anthology we encounter a very unique trIo of voices, as diverse in their tones as in their themes. This book includes a selection of powerful poems from the collections COUNTERSUMMER by MIJAIL LAMAS, TO SPEAK SHADOWS, BY MARIO BOJORQUEZ, and THE CORRESPONDENCES, by ALI CALDERON. This is an excellent introduction to Mexican poetry written in the XXI CENTURY, Mexican poetry after OCTAVIO PAZ. "The poems from Countersummer seem to be built around one scene: the poet, far away from his native city, writes about his links with the past - childhood, family, those streets in sepia--[...] a cycle of poems about the difficulties of nostalgia, that, in the motive of heat, condenses a lyrical examination of an inner world." Geney BeltrAn (La gaceta, MExico.) "In Mario BojOrquez the immateriality of the symbol becomes tangible, the rhythm is charged with spirituality like a flame suspended over the mouth of time, his chants comes and goes from Nature to Men. The poet of To Speak Shadows uses his own flesh to raise this offering to the highest dream." Luis David Palacios (Andraval, MExico) "AlI CalderOn, breaks frequently with language and syntax, especially in his poems of love and lack of love, but he keeps in mind that this work of destruction doesn't stop his writing to become an arrow that pierces the readers' heart. In his notable love poems there's the sadness that diminishes, the pain that tears apart or brakes, the humiliation of failure, the defeat that at the end of the day is the only thing worthwhile. [...] The Correspondences is a book of splendid maturity" Marco Antonio Campos (Visor Libros, EspaNa)

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 120


  • Mijail Lamas Mario Bojorquez
  • Alí Calderón


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