Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Lucia De Garcia Una Luz de Paz

Resumen del Libro

Libro Lucia De Garcia Una Luz de Paz

From the Foreword by Jane Goodall PhD, DBE United Nations Messenger of Peace: "This book tells the fascinating story of a passionate, talented and, above all, warm-hearted woman, determined to stay true to her vision, to live out her dream, and to learn all she can from the world around her. It will inspire and encourage you to follow your dreams, to live life to the full, take all it has to offer and - most importantly - to give back in full measure." English poems included. Lucia De Garcia AWA (Award Winning Author)National Tour 2014-2015 and other presentations. Book presentations and signing at the following events for the next three months: CABE Convention (California Association of Bilingual Education) April 2 and 3rd, 2014 - Anaheim, California with over 4,000 people. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 12th and 13th at University of Southern California, USC in Los Angeles. More than 150,000 people in attendance. Latino Family Festival of Books May 3rd at the California State University San Bernardino in San Bernardino, California Seminario Motivacion y Negocios Sunday June 22 - 10-2 pm Salon Fiesta Mexicana, Los Angeles American Library Association Annual Convention, June 27-30th in Las Vegas, Nevada Centro Gaucho Martin Fierro Sunday, July 6 from 5-8:30 pm in Newport Beach, California LULAC (League of United Latin-American Citizens) National Convention, July 10-12 in New York with over 4,000 leaders. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) Annual Convention, July 19-21 in Los Angeles with over 25,000 in attendance. Laguna Woods Writters Club presents The Literary Works of Lucia De Garcia, October 7, 2014, an Orange County community with over 18,000 residents. Los Angeles Latino Book & Family Festival of Books, November 1st. East Los Angeles College (ELAC)Performing Fine Arts Complex. XXXIV World Congress of Poets/World Academy of Arts and Culture/UNESCO, November 10-14, 2014, Lima and Trujillo, Peru. California Association for Bilingual Education CABE's 2015 Conference, March 4-7, 2015 in San Diego. The conference have around 4,000 educators at it and is the largest conference in the USA for Latino educators REFORMA, the National Association of Latino librarians Conference, April 1-4, 2015 in San Diego with the participation of 700 librarians from around the USA and Mexico. Other events will be announced soon! Please come and visit! Orange County, California 92612 U.S.A.Telephone Cell: (714) 904-5507 E-mail: luciadegarcia2012@gmail.comWebpages: www.luciadegarcia.comFACEBOOK: Lucia De GarciaVice President Ambassadress for Peace, Le Cercle Universel de la Paix, Switzerland and France 2011Please Visit: The book "Building Bridges of Understanding - My Personal Quest for Unity and Peace" was chosen as "The Most Inspirational Non-Fiction Book" by Latino Literacy Now s International Latino Book Awards. This book, and the book of Poems, "Lucia De Garcia, A Peaceful Light - My Odyssey to the Center of the Heart," are available worldwide in hardcover, softcover and eBook. To order the books from your local bookstore, call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order on line at,, or to

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Titulo Alternativo : Mi Odisea Al Centro Del Corazn

Total de páginas 182


  • Lucia De Garcia


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