Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Estudios sobre teatro hispánico en homenaje a Josep M. Sala Valldaura

Resumen del Libro

Libro Estudios sobre teatro hispánico en homenaje a Josep M. Sala Valldaura

This volume presents ten articles about the Hispanic theatre. It presents over more than 150 pages a range of studies that go from the end of the Middle Ages to the present day of the liturgical dramatization to the process of transforming a collection of poems into a play, from Argentina and Mexico to the Canary Islands and Majorca. It pays attention to certain works ("Davallament de la Creu", the comedies El villano en su rincón, La Varona castellana y El príncipe despeñado by Lope de Vega, the prologues by Antonio de Solís, the Ifigenia by Jovellanos, Nuevo género by Felipe Castañón, Los invertidos by José González Castillo, El alba sobre Sodoma de Pedro Badanelli, Concha Méndez, Y se llamaban Mahmud y Ayaz y Voces en el silencio by Pedro Badanelli, Y se llamaban Mahmud y Ayaz y Voces en el silencio by José Manuel Lucía Megías, Translucid@ by Elena Guiochins), dealing with different themes and genres, such as the spectacular act, the moral anomie, the interlude and the prologue, the carnival, the tragedy, the metatheater, the sex-generic dissent, the children's theater, the creative process in poetry and theater, transsexuality and transphobia.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 160


  • Mérida Jiménez, Rafael M.


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