Benjamin Franklin

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Eso No Estaba En Mi Libro de Historia de la Casa Real Espanola

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Libro Eso No Estaba En Mi Libro de Historia de la Casa Real Espanola

Why is the Spanish monarchy Catholic if this state is non-denominational? What is the origin of the US dollar symbol and why is it linked to the Spanish coat of arms? Why is black the color of mourning? What does color green mean to monarchists? What was the instrument to communicate fashion trends among European courts when there were no magazines or Instagram? In the lyrics of which foreign anthem is the King of Spain still mentioned today? The kings and queens of Spain were the first influencers in history who inspired and set trends with their power, their occurrences, their conspiracies, their various intrigues and their "salseo". In an entertaining way, this rigorous, complete, and documented work helps you discover numerous anecdotes and stories of the ceremonial and protocol from the Catholic Monarchs to the reign of the current honorary kings. For the curious mind, an essential work which resolves doubts that conventional history books do not refer or Mr Google is not able to answer, such as: Why is Juan Carlos I the only king of Spain who has reigned with a compound name? How a jewel of Philip II ended up in the mouth of actress Elizabeth Taylor's poodle? Which queen had to relinquish custody of her daughters? What mysterious gift from Charles III to George Washington inspired the current symbol of the United States Democratic Party? Why does the "Diada" of Catalunya not have an independence origin? Which Spanish queen never set foot on Spanish soil? And many other surprising questions that are finally resolved.

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  • Ana Fernández Pardo


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