Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Yo, Negacionista

Resumen del Libro

Libro Yo, Negacionista

When a wolf is locked up, it begins to spin around in its cage, his defense mechanisms are activated, his natural cunning sharpens in order to escape... and finally, he howls. If a documentary zoologist is confined, he will immediately investigate the reason for his isolation; but when he is told that a pangolin and a bat are the reason, he will realize that something is wrong. For someone who --with the main objective of writing revealing scripts for documentaries-- is used to interpreting the behavior of sharks and ants, deciphering the cryptic language of science professionals and searching for the hidden side of all realities, the agreed story of what has happened, and what is still happening, is revealed as the result of a very well-cared-for narrative that would make even Jules Verne, the great master of science fiction, tremble with envy. This is my story, but now, more than two years later, it is also yours. The unlikely course of what happened and the exhaustive scientific review of the few free and rigorous researchers still remaining lead us to a conclusion that is difficult to avoid. This is a book indicated, therefore, for those who are not convinced, for those who are searching. But be careful! Reading it can have serious side effects. When the last word has penetrated your mind, you will have no choice but to look in the mirror and think: Me, a denier? And then the howl... Sometimes in science, people with the ability to see much further than their contemporaries appear... and, by doing so, change the course of the world. The author of these pages has made one of those Copernican leaps in general biology, Dr. Chinda Brandolino, clinical and forensic doctor, specialist in legal medicine.

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Total de páginas 336


  • Fernando López-mirones


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