Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Voces de mujer desde Túnez

Resumen del Libro

Libro Voces de mujer desde Túnez

Resum: Les dones de Tunísia manifesten la lluita que s'esdevé en elles per aconseguir la llibertat i la igualtat respecte l'home. La dona se sent en els límits de la desil·lusió i, és per això, que opta per oposar-se a les tradicions i als tabús.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : (cuentos)

Total de páginas 101


  • Arusiyya Al- Naluti
  • Rosario Montoro Murillo


Formatos Disponibles:


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41 Valoraciones Totales

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En Toda Era

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In today's chaotic world, opportunities abound for youth to disengage from community and worship. Once this happens, young people often don't come back. The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry wrote From Age to Age in 1997 as part of multiple-year response, to increase youth participation in worship. The document sparked national dialogue on how Roman Catholic parishes might best reach out to and involve youth in Catholic worship. From Age to Age revisits the liturgical principles of Vatican Council II and applies them in creative ways. The document provides strategies to help...

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