Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Strategic Information Management

Resumen del Libro

Libro Strategic Information Management

Today there are few organizations that can afford to ignore information technology and few individuals who would prefer to be without it. As managerial tasks become more complex, so the nature of the required information systems changes from structured, routine support to ad hoc, unstructured, complex enquiries at the highest levels of management. As with the first three editions, this fourth edition of Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems presents the many complex and inter-related issues associated with the management of information systems. This book provides a rich source of material reflecting recent thinking on the key issues facing executives in information systems strategic management. It draws from a wide range of contemporary articles written by leading experts from North America, Asia, and Europe. Designed as a course text for MBA, Master's level students, and senior undergraduate students taking courses in information management, it also provides a wealth of information and references for researchers. New to this edition are updated readings addressing current issues and the latest thinking in information management.

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Titulo Alternativo : Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems

Total de páginas 585


  • Robert D. Galliers
  • Dorothy E. Leidner


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