Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Raza, género e hibridez en el Lazarillo de ciegos caminantes

Resumen del Libro

Libro Raza, género e hibridez en el Lazarillo de ciegos caminantes

Mariselle Melendez studies the dynamics of colonial subject identity construction as elaborated in the exemplary eighteenth-century travel book, El lazarillo de ciegos caminantes (A Guide for Inexperienced Travelers ). She analyzes elements of race and gender to argue that they become essential parts of the colonialist project which the author articulates throughout his travel diary by means of the voices of his two narrators: the Spanish Visitador Alonso Carrio de la Vandera and his companion and amanuensis, Calixto Bustamente Carlos Inca. Melendez shows how racial and cultural hybridity constitute unstable elements for the colonialist agenda proposed by the author.

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Total de páginas 252


  • Mariselle Meléndez


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