Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

¿Por qué hibernan los animales? (Why Animals Hibernate)

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Libro ¿Por qué hibernan los animales? (Why Animals Hibernate)

When winter hits, many people in colder climates spend most of their time indoors. But what do wild animals do? Some animals spend winters hibernating. Beginning readers will learn what hibernation is, why some animals hibernate and others don't, and how hibernating animals prepare for their long sleep. Full-color photographs grab readers' attention and allow them to draw connections to the narrative. Readers will love learning about this mysterious, restful time in some animals' lives.

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Exploremos las rocas metamórficas (Exploring Metamorphic Rocks)

Libro Exploremos las rocas metamórficas (Exploring Metamorphic Rocks)

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