Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Luis Suárez

Resumen del Libro

Libro Luis Suárez

Luis Suárez is known as one of the best soccer players in the world. He has won trophies, championships, league titles, and can shoot goals with either foot. As gifted a player as he is, Suárez is also known to be a controversial figure in the sports world. This book draws young soccer fans in with bright photographs of the exciting sport in action. Cool fact boxes are also sprinkled throughout the book to support the text. Readers will get an inside look at Suárez's achievements, his struggles, and his amazing athleticism.

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Construir un auto de carreras: Comprobar tu trabajo (Building a Race Car: Checking Your Work)

Libro Construir un auto de carreras: Comprobar tu trabajo (Building a Race Car: Checking Your Work)

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