Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

La cara de la inocencia

Resumen del Libro

Libro La cara de la inocencia

This book features a young girl named Violeta who lives with her parents in a small apartment in a large city. Her life might be similar to that of any other girl her age, but unfortunately it is not. Each day Violeta must face a harsh reality and witness the most horrible scenes that a child’s eyes can bear as she watches her father abuse and attack her mother. She lives in anguish and fear as she sees how the tears her mother sheds are mingled with blood. This stirring story exposes a brutal aspect of our society and aims to familiarize the reader with a painful reality of our times so as to explore ways in which we can deal with it, whether individually or collectively. This book encourages readers to reject this form of unjustified violence that denies women their most basic rights and tears families apart, forcing children to lose their innocence, and altering their lives in the most cruel and dramatic ways. This type of violence produces psychological and physical scars not only on its victims, but on their children as well. This stirring story exposes a brutal aspect of our society and aims to familiarize the reader with a painful reality of our times so as to explore ways in which we can deal with it, whether individually or collectively. This book encourages readers to reject this form of unjustified violence that denies women their most basic rights and tears families apart, forcing children to lose their innocence, and altering their lives in the most cruel and dramatic ways. This type of violence produces psychological and physical scars not only on its victims, but on their children as well.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 80


  • Cañas Torregrosa José


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