Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving)

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Libro Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving)

Readers may never expect that they might free fall to Earth, but if they have ever dived into a pool, that's exactly what they've done. This book shows readers how Newton's three laws of motion affect divers, skydivers, and mountain climbers' movements. Readers discover who uses gravity, and who works against it, and all other forces that contribute to a successful dive or climb. After reading this book, readers can decide if they will ever be interested in engaging in one of these extreme sports.

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Total de páginas 32



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En los juegos del parque (At the Playground)

Libro En los juegos del parque (At the Playground)

Practice addition at the playground! This fun title, that has been translated into Spanish, uses examples from all around the playground to help children practice their addition and understand early STEM themes. Add up two blue swings and three red swings to get five swings! Add slides, rings, jump ropes, basketballs, and more! These familiar images work in conjunction with engaging "You Try It!" problems to encourage young readers to practice and improve their addition skills.

Los sólidos (Solids) 6-Pack

Libro Los sólidos (Solids) 6-Pack

What does this Spanish-translated book, a table, and your big toe have in common? They are all solids! A solid keeps its shape and always has the same volume. Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about solids and how they are different from liquids and gases. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Libro Los alimentos

Adivina y Pegatina son libros de adivinanzas de estructura sencilla, siempre breves y en verso, que motivan a los niños y niñas a encontrar la solución. La solución, en este caso, viene dada en unas pegatinas que aparecen en las páginas finales del libro. De esta manera se pretende que el niño visualice el objeto que corresponde a la solución de cada adivinanza. Los enunciados de las adivinanzas están integrados en unas ilustraciones muy infantiles, sugerentes y divertidas formando libros mágicos y lúdicos que apetece leer y releer, porque siempre se encuentra algo nuevo. Cada...

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Libro Biblia Juvenil Bilingue - Piel Elaborada Vino

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El trencaclosques de la granja

Libro El trencaclosques de la granja

Dos títols que ens presenten, amb textos rimats i il·lustracions de colors brillants, els animals petits i grans que podem trobar a la jungla o a la granja. I cada pàgina inclou un trencaclosques de quatre peces perquè, acabada la lectura, puguin agrupar-los tots i formar dues esplèndides escenes de la jungla i de la granja.

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