Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Claro de luna (Moonlight)

Resumen del Libro

Libro Claro de luna (Moonlight)

This book teaches readers about how the moon reflects the sun's light, and why the moon seems to change shape throughout the month. The book is complete with labeled images when needed, simple text, and more facts. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

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Otras obras de Grace Hansen

El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

Libro El diablo espinoso (Thorny Devil)

This title covers basic information about thorny devils, one of Australia's mightiest little reptiles! Information in this title covers a thorny devil's habitat, diet, habits, and more. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

Tiburones punta negra (Blacktip Reef Sharks) (Spanish Version)

Libro Tiburones punta negra (Blacktip Reef Sharks) (Spanish Version)

Dive into this book to learn all about blacktip reef sharks. Readers will take in information about a blacktip reef shark's preferred habitat, what it likes to eat, and more alongside amazing underwater photographs. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.

Coyotes (Coyotes) (Spanish Version)

Libro Coyotes (Coyotes) (Spanish Version)

Early readers can delve into the wild world of coyotes with this title. They'll learn what coyotes eat, their preferred habitats, and other great facts, alongside awesome photographs. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.

Más libros de la temática Juvenil No Ficción

Generació Alada

Libro Generació Alada

«Així som les persones, mil·limètriques motes de pols arrossegades pel món. Encara que sempre hi ha qui està disposat a aturar-se i lluitar.» Una moda amb lleis determinants ha estat creada per a la nova generació d'una xicoteta ciutat, en què tots han assumit les seues condicions sense qüestionar-les. Però, més enllà de vestir ales de colors, la moda s'apropiarà dels joves, anul·larà qualsevol pensament i callarà les seues veus. És llavors quan Belinda i Jaume decideixen promoure una rebel·lió cultural que torne a la seua generació el que mai els haurien d'haver llevat:...

Ortografía 3

Libro Ortografía 3

En este cuaderno aprenderás la ortografía de numerosas palabras que se escriben con v y h, y te ejercitarás en la ortografía de diversas sílabas trabadas y libres. También se estudian algunas reglas fundamentales del uso de las mayúsculas: en principio de escrito y después de punto.


Libro Sofistas

Introducción, traducción y notas de A. Melero Bellido. Revisada por A. A. González Terriza y R. Herrera Montero.


Libro Veo-Veo

A visual feast of shapes, colors, and poetic riddles, this unique book combines contemporary art with a game of puzzles and observations. Hidden among spectacular pop-ups are hundreds of words and images, including a heart, a teardrop, a smile, flowers, and letters of the alphabet. Children discover new hidden objects with every read and lose themselves in the beauty of each magnificent page spread. Un festival visual de formas, colores y acertijos poéticos, este libro único combina el arte contemporáneo con un juego de adivinanzas y observación. Escondidos entre los desplegables...

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