Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Un día de trabajo: Oficial de policía (All in a Day's Work: Police Officer) (Spanish Version)

Resumen del Libro

Libro Un día de trabajo: Oficial de policía (All in a Day's Work: Police Officer) (Spanish Version)

This nonfiction Spanish-translated reader gives children an in-depth look at what a career as a police officer is like. Readers will learn about various aspects of life as a police officer--from being accepted into the academy to keeping streets safe. Readers will learn what a typical day in the police academy is like as well as a day in the field as an officer. Through helpful charts and diagrams and colorful images in conjunction with informational text and stunning facts, readers discover important aspects of keeping communities safe, including what's inside the patrol car, K-9 units, reading Miranda rights to suspects, writing incident reports, penal codes, and interrogations.

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Total de páginas 64



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