Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Frederick Douglass: Líder del movimiento abolicionista (Frederick Douglass)

Resumen del Libro

Libro Frederick Douglass: Líder del movimiento abolicionista (Frederick Douglass)

Born into slavery, Frederick Douglass relied on his own determination and ingenuity to carve a path to freedom. Once free, he dedicated his life to improving the lives of others and fighting for justice and equality. This inspirational Spanish biography uses primary sources to engage students in learning about the fascinating life of Frederick Douglass. Students will build their literacy skills as they are immersed in social studies content. Text features include a glossary and an index to increase comprehension and academic vocabulary.

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Total de páginas 34



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Frederick Douglass: Líder del movimiento abolicionista (Frederick Douglass)

Libro Frederick Douglass: Líder del movimiento abolicionista (Frederick Douglass)

Born into slavery, Frederick Douglass relied on his own determination and ingenuity to carve a path to freedom. Once free, he dedicated his life to improving the lives of others and fighting for justice and equality. This inspirational Spanish biography uses primary sources to engage students in learning about the fascinating life of Frederick Douglass. Students will build their literacy skills as they are immersed in social studies content. Text features include a glossary and an index to increase comprehension and academic vocabulary.

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