Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Pegatinas: Las Princesas del Hielo

Resumen del Libro

Libro Pegatinas: Las Princesas del Hielo

Princesses must always be perfectly dressed. Whether it's for a walk on the lake, under the Northern Lights or for a wedding at an ice palace, what matters is having the right style. With the beautiful stickers that you will find in this book, you can dress these princesses for every occasion.

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Total de páginas 24


  • Ars Edition


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Libro Mi mundo random

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Libro Todo lo Que Me Gusta

Caja que contiene 16 pequeños libros en los que se cuentan las cosas que le gusta hacer a un niño: pasear con el perro, salir de merienda, tener peces, mirar por la ventana, etc. En cada libro el niño descubrirá una sensación táctil diferente.

Hace viento (Let's Read About Wind)

Libro Hace viento (Let's Read About Wind)

Rhyming text is ideal for building phonemic awareness and phonics skills. This series uses delightful rhyming text and engaging photographs to introduce beginning readers to four common weather conditions. These books build the foundation for reading success and make learning about weather fun!

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