Benjamin Franklin

Liceo del Libro y Novela moderna y clásica

Narratives of Resistance

Resumen del Libro

Libro Narratives of Resistance

The articles included in this collection cover a wide range of literatures and topics, but most of them address the ways in which ethnic writers create themselves in opposition and resistance to the mainstream. These narratives of opposition and resistance do not equate protest narratives but represent a consciously subversive effort. There is agency and creativity in the confrontation, for the majority of the these narratives are not only demystifying an old world and order but creating a new one; there narratives are not reproducing as much as producing and forging culture and literature. The articles we presente resist not only the politics of traditional canon formation but the politics of cultural nationalism as well; they challenge the margins as well as the center. With this revisionist agenda, the aim or this collection is to invite readers to further their rethinking of American and Caribbean literatures.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Literature and Ethnicity in the United States and the Caribbean

Total de páginas 337


  • Ana María Manzanas Calvo
  • Jesús Benito Sánchez


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69 Valoraciones Totales

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